World Skill Olympics
Serving as a skill competition to increase the competence of commercial service engineers
Cultivate maintenance technology that can build customer loyalty.
Increase the quality of customer service through customer satisfaction by improving the technical capacity of services.

Technological Improvement through Competition in Good Faith between Global Service Engineers
The World Skill Olympics serves as a venue for interchange among mechanics around the world to improve their technical power as well as to discover high-caliber talent. The purpose is to give a sense of duty to mechanics who play a pivotal role in increasing customer satisfaction and brand awareness. Beginning with the first regional qualifier in 2017, the 1st Commercial World Skill Olympics will be held in 2018. There is a plan to hold a regional qualifier (Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, Latin America, and China). The Commercial World Skill Olympics for engineers who pass preliminary rounds in each region will also be held on a biennial basis.